Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Not inferior...but very very...different
school dance in Brazil
Friday, 20 November 2009
Swearing is Anti-Social and Anti Socialist
'Drunken yob left me blind in one eye for asking him not to swear'
'The high cost of celebrity swearing'
"Max Hastings is wrong to single out just middle-class values as a defence against this. In the working-class community in which I grew up 60 years ago no adult swore at home or in their social life; apart from the occasional expletive. Children who did swear would likely get a clout from a parent. There are still plenty of working-class people who do not regard swearing as acceptable.
Derek Carline
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Mass immigration - cheap labour
Friday, 23 October 2009
On the importance of ethnicity
The BNP does not define British ethnicity by skin colour. That is in the same way that the Chinese nation are not defined by skin colour, the Jewish nation is not defined by skin colour and neither is any ethnic nation. Skin colour is but a small detail amongst many making up and ethnicity. To make it entirely about skin colour can only mean that the many other aspects are rendered meaningless.
The British are ethnically northern European with the addition of shared language, history and culture. (We have had waves of northern European warriors adding to our genetic character and having a eugenic effect). This is because genetic studies show that these people share a relatively homogenous Germanic origin. The detractors of the BNP, on the other hand, wish to insist that the British are not a people and do not have ANY ethnicity which is a nonsense. It is known that there is far more genetic diverstiy in any African tribe by contrast, and yet an African tribe is a "people".
What is the consequence of having our right to be an ethnic people taken from us? The consequence is that we lose many rights and protections afforded legally to ethnic groups and so we would lose any claim to our country itself for example. (Excellent for the internationalist Capitalists). Also when our people are convinced by these arguments that we have no ethnic identity we lose our way as a people. "A people without a vision perishes" as the Bible says. And you can be sure that a people WITH a vision will take full advantage of our disarray.
Golda Meir, once Prime Minister of Israel, made the remark that the Palestinians are "not a people" and this has been used as justification for Jews to take their land.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Why does the BNP criticise Leftists while claiming to also be on the left in many respects?
However the UAF, for example, are phony Leftists because they are pro Islamic (which embraces homophobia and oppression of women) and are racist against whites, as well as supporting the importation of cheap slave labour from the 3rd world. Karl Marx, Lenin and Trotsky would disagree firmly with all of the UAF's purpose for existing. And it is the case that Tory leader Cameron actually funds them too!
The BNP have policies objecting to the power of bankers, objecting to globalist capitalism and championing the rights of the British working class. These are what one may as well call "Leftist" policies. In addition, the anti-war stance and the demand for similar ethnic-based socialism in every nation in the world qualifies as left-wing in essence.
Socialism, to a Nationalist, is really just another word for Nationalism. Socialism is a system based upon natural bonds between the people of a nation. Blood is thicker than water. Socialism emerges from the family, and extends to tribe and nation. It is lost in attempts to make it internationally universal unless national diversity is preserved in so doing - as with the BNP policy of supporting the concept of ethnic sovereignty for every nation.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Warp our culture - Reduce us to Savages...
Come to think of it, what exactly is the cultural identity of "British" blacks or blacks in any non-African western country? The predominant culture is still seen as "white" and they have lost their ethnic culture from Africa, so where does that leave them?
Ethnosocialism is the only true Socialism
The abuse of socialism is when it is assumed that one can love and care for entirely unrelated people who are in fact members of RIVAL cultures/tribes/nations.
The western socialists who think this is possible are advocating a Christ-like unilateral approach where we say: "take everything I have brother! " as a matter of principle. But what will really happen then is that others will take what you have and KILL YOU.
At present we are ruled by internationalists who are so-called "socialists" but really they are using the friendly cuddly idea of socialism as a way to trick the west into giving everything to the 3rd World, including our countries. It is done with the aim of creating a global slave force that will certianly LEVEL us. It will make the lowest most destitute and hopeless humans of all except the elite who planned it that way.
Why teenage and single mothers may be a force for good
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Child Porn/Abuse is Rife Because our Rulers Allow it
The number of web sites containing child pornography is increasing and more images show serious abuses, a UN expert said Wednesday.
More than 4 million web sites worldwide show images of children being sexually exploited, said the UN investigator on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, Najat M'jid Maalla.
Over 750,000 people are using child porn sites at any time, said Maalla, a Moroccan medical doctor who was appointed to the unpaid UN post last year.
This practice could certainly be stamped out if Nationalists were in power. We would not tolerate this under any circumstances. But our governments prioritise fighting "racism" and you hear far more about how evil Nationalists supposedly are than you ever do about the groups who practice the most heinous of crimes. My conclusions on government involvement in child sex abuse stem partly from this fact - and also from the accounts of people in high positons in government attending events held by people who organise parties to abuse children, such as the evidence in the Marc Dutroux case in Belgium.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Italian Gangsters are busy poisoning the people
It has also been revealed a medical report has been kept quiet for years revealing a jump in illnesses, particularly cancer, in the region over the last 15 years. With rival mafia gangs using disused petrol stations and any available indoor space to dump toxic waste, there are fears of severe long-term health risks throughout the south of Italy.
People just don't realise that unless the northern European genetic type with natural values and standards of the highest level is in a position of influence, the world will steadily be used and abused by enterprising gangsters/psychopaths with 3rd World ambitions of personal wealth and status.
Every crime that anyone can profit by is becoming more widespread, while at the same time incompetence is adding to the rapid decline.
In Eastern Europe women and children (for an example near to home) can disappear and become victims of the sex slave industry, or the illegal organ industry or used for rituals such African Mutu. We in the west take it for granted things won't get like that here. But why won't they? Only because of the genetic predispositions of the northern European and because of our numbers and our wealth. All three of these are far from assured for the future. In the future people will not even REMEMBER that such standards existed, and will take it for granted that the world is a violent dog-eat-dog nightmare. Please don't be one who sleep walks into this!!!