Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Ethnosocialism is the only true Socialism

Socialism originates from the FAMILY - sharing and caring for your own flesh and blood is purely natural. Naturally then Socialism also applies to tribalism in which members of the tribe are related and cooperate because of that. Blood is thicker than water.

The abuse of socialism is when it is assumed that one can love and care for entirely unrelated people who are in fact members of RIVAL cultures/tribes/nations.

The western socialists who think this is possible are advocating a Christ-like unilateral approach where we say: "take everything I have brother! " as a matter of principle. But what will really happen then is that others will take what you have and KILL YOU.

At present we are ruled by internationalists who are so-called "socialists" but really they are using the friendly cuddly idea of socialism as a way to trick the west into giving everything to the 3rd World, including our countries. It is done with the aim of creating a global slave force that will certianly LEVEL us. It will make the lowest most destitute and hopeless humans of all except the elite who planned it that way.


1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure 'Pan Nationalism' makes sense - it may be an oxymoron.

    I think the only hope for the White race is a Pan European alliance of like minded groups - BNP, NF, FN, Jobbik, SVP. But, of course, some of these have little chance of co-operating. And most now probably believe that they are right-wing parties rather than essentially 'socialist'.

    I'm beginning to realise the putting your race first in a society that operates on a human scale, where workers share the profits of their endeavours, where essential services including at least one bank are state owned and where we aim to become sel-sufficient in food and energy is esentialy 'socialist'.

    It may be a vey middle-class, very British, very 1950s 'socialism' but I think I like that.

    Maybe a Britain of 20 Millon Whites (and no coloureds) living in smalll towns of 5,000 - 10,000 people is the answer? Food from local farms, lots of craftsmen making everthing we need locally.

    'The Good Life (For Whites Only)'. After civilising the World we deserve it.
