Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Italian Gangsters are busy poisoning the people

It has also been revealed a medical report has been kept quiet for years revealing a jump in illnesses, particularly cancer, in the region over the last 15 years. With rival mafia gangs using disused petrol stations and any available indoor space to dump toxic waste, there are fears of severe long-term health risks throughout the south of Italy.


People just don't realise that unless the northern European genetic type with natural values and standards of the highest level is in a position of influence, the world will steadily be used and abused by enterprising gangsters/psychopaths with 3rd World ambitions of personal wealth and status.

Every crime that anyone can profit by is becoming more widespread, while at the same time incompetence is adding to the rapid decline.

In Eastern Europe women and children (for an example near to home) can disappear and become victims of the sex slave industry, or the illegal organ industry or used for rituals such African Mutu. We in the west take it for granted things won't get like that here. But why won't they? Only because of the genetic predispositions of the northern European and because of our numbers and our wealth. All three of these are far from assured for the future. In the future people will not even REMEMBER that such standards existed, and will take it for granted that the world is a violent dog-eat-dog nightmare. Please don't be one who sleep walks into this!!!

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